Mortgage rates can make or break a home sale deal. Your Lender will be the best source to check what the current rates are for you home purchase. These calcs and links, however, will give a good picture of what a rate can do to your payments, and what the national rates are doing today.

Not sure what all those mortgage words mean?

Check out what all those terms actually mean to you and your mortage at the link below. Don’t be shy to ask your Lender any questions you may have. This is alot of money, and you need to be sure you know what is applicable to your situation.

If You Are Even Considering Buying Or Selling

Now is the time to talk. Let's get a game plan together and assure that you're educated on the market. I want to be educated on your particular needs, as well.

This will make all the difference in a successful transaction.

Let's chat over coffee or over the phone. CONTACT me your favorite way...


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Hilary Meader

        Realtor®, GRI, ABR®, RENE







McKinney, TX 75071
