Buyer, RE General, Remodel, Seller
Are you SURE that bedroom is a Texas code defined bedroom? Find out before you list it as one.
Buyer, Market Stats, RE General, Seller
Every major brokerage listed has a very similar rate of properties that either Cancel, Withdraw, or Expire their listing with that brokerage. Why is that?
Buy Before Sell, Buyer, iBuyer, Mortgage, RE General, Remodel, Seller
Fathom Realty has a service called FATHOM OFFERS. It’s a one stop home shopping or selling...
Remodel, Repair-Maint, Seller, Staging
Post Pandemic home sales will need to be more updated than before. There’s a simpler way for...
Buyer, History, Market Stats, RE General, RE News, Seller
OK, yes, there ARE some houses under $300,000 in the North Collin-Grayson area, BUT, you have...
Buyer, RE General, RE News, Seller
Talking with a prospective Seller today, I made the mistake we all caution each other about, often...